Monday, October 3, 2011

The Softwares

During this exciting & intense workshops, we've been sketching a few scenarios to interact with the building .
  • KineTicTacToe
KineTicTacToe is a game for 2 players that invite the audience to play TicTacToe on the Facadeby hand gesture . It uses a 3D camera (Kinect) that sense the users hands location . By waving the left hand in the air, the player can light on the windows & by pushing the hand forward the player confirm his selection . The selected window is lit either RED or GREEN . When all windows are selected , the whole building is illuminated with an animation .
You can dowload the code here .
  • I.MAL TouchFacade : A 2$ Multitouch Building controller
I.MAL TouchFacade is a Processing sketch that receive OSC messages from the IPhone using MSA Remote application & send DMX messages to light on the windows .
You can dowload the code here .

You can dowload the code here .
  • The Smiling Facade

  • The ambient sound

  • The Jazz building

  • The SeaShore

  • The MP3 player